Monday, December 13, 2010

sNoW dAy!!!

Today we had our first official snow day, got 3 1/2 inches of snow over night on top of the 1 1/2-2 inches we already had!  It was horrible out last night on the way home from play practice, sliding all over the road and down the drive. I was nervous wreck and already decided that the kids weren't going to school regardless. 
Hayley hadn't been feeling the best these past couple of days, her asthma and allergies are acting up..'tis the season for the flu, pneumonia, RSV, strep,  you name it, she will try to get it!! So we started on the nebulizer every 4 hours and monitoring the oxygen level.
 She was pretty restless most of the night, slept only abut 5 hours. (I don't see how people with newborns do it, I'm worn out!) Luckily our levels stayed between 94 & 96. A little better today, at noon we were at 97--knocking on wood they continue to climb upwards. Still going to continue to do the treatments and Orapred for a week, hoping the combination of the two will help. I just cringe knowing what is in store if not-a lovely stay at Kosair's for the holidays!  (IF and I say if we don't get admitted this will be the first time in 6 years that she will not be in for pneumonia in December. What a great Christmas present for Mommy!!)

Snuggle up with your kiddos, enjoy some Christmas cartoons, stay warm and healthy!!
Happy Monday!!!

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