Monday, December 20, 2010

Christmas Hang-Ups

The kids had their annual CHRISTmas play last night and it was SO cute!! I tried to take some pictures while making sure my 14 toddlers were in control--but thanks to my wonderful hubby (and his handy, dandy iPhone 4, I have pics and video (if the video will ever upload...grr!), friends and family, I have pictures to blog with!
I was super proud of Hunter, he had a BIG part this year (he was Tex) and a solo! Can't believe that he wanted to sing, but he did and did a wonderful job!! Hayley was Minnie Mouse and had a solo and is part of my all time favorite Trio (Hayley, Kylee and Perry)!!! This makes the second year that the girls have sand together and its. absolutely. priceless!! 
Clayton has been going to Team Kids with me on Wednesday night and LOVES it!! He wanted to do the play so we were going to try it---he did wonderful. Sang ever song, wore his "bear costume" and did what we asked of him. Thanks Lori and Dan for letting him come to TK!!
Wanted to say a big Thank you to all my TES people who came to see the kids: Mrs. Forberger, Ms. Spears, Mrs. Goodlett, Ms. Sweazy and Mr. Adams!!

Hayley and Clayton
"Hurry Christmas, hurry now!  When you come it's just like WOW!!"

This is the best picture of my 14 toddlers that I got!
My favorite bear ever!!
Pooh has nothing on him
Hunter and Hoola girl
Minnie Mouse

My favorite Trio:
Perry, Hayley and Kylee
Hunter aka Tex

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