Sunday, December 26, 2010

Fisher's Christmas

We headed "over the river and through the woods" to Grandma and Grandpa Fisher's house today for Christmas. The kids loved playing and wrestling with Keegan, Aunt Erin and Uncle Brian. It's so much fun anytime we get together and we always leave worn out from the excitement!!

Keegan got a guitar too!
Hunter, Keegan and Hayley
Grandma and Grandpa got each kid a cool piggy bank that digitally counts your change and keeps a running total. We are starting to save our pennies, literally, for our fun money in Disney!
Hayley, Hunter,  and Aunt Erin
more Beyblades
The human karaoke, got a karaoke machine and CD's
 Keegan LOVED his "blue mote control (remote control) truck"

A cool atlas sicker book from GG
GG got Hayley a Hannah Montana hat/wig
Grandma couldn't resist
Hunter was into his Beyblades

Son in laws got a coupon book that us girls were so excited about!

Aunt Erin and Hayley tested her karaoke machine

You never know when at any moment wrestle mania will bust out.

We had a great Christmas and are truly blessed. Thank you for all that you do for us and the constant love you show. We love you more then you will ever know.

*T minus 300 days til Erin's wedding*

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