Sunday, December 26, 2010

Christmas with Farnsley's

We headed to Indiana for Christmas Dinner at the Farnsley's (Brian's grandparents) As always it was very entertaining with Doug, Steve and the kids keeping us laughing. These are times that we are thankful we live FAR AWAY from him..not so sure that he's the best influence on the kids at certain times. Good thing we love him so much~
Uncle Doug and Hunter

Steve loved Brenda present...a laughing pig~
Hayley and Casey
Uncle Steve's famous wrapping paper...aluminum foil

Brian, Hayley, Me, Hunter, Doug, Casey, Josh, Grandma, Grandpa and Darla
This is the first picture of all of us that I can ever remember...good job Steve!
Hunter, Josh and Hayley
me and my boys
me and my big boy
Daddy enjoyed some snuggle time from a sleepy little girl

The kids were so worn out from 2 days of non stop fun, this was taken less then 10 minutes after we got into the car on the way home

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