Thursday, December 30, 2010

Death of me?

Santa brought Hayley a pink guitar and Grandma/Grandpa Fisher bought her a karaoke machine...both of which will be the death of me! From the moment she wakes up to the moment she goes to bed, I hear nothing but non stop singing and playing from her room. I am super glad that she LOVES her presents and keeps us entertained, but at the same time we are wondering if the newness will wear off anytime soon? Not likely, she is going to start taking guitar lessons on Wednesday/Sunday from a boy who we go to church with (Grant Gartland) and is singing in Erin's wedding in October!
This picture is for you Aunt Erin...she was really into "Romeo and Juliet"  You may want to start rethinking your song choice for the wedding!!

Hoping that one day all this will pay off and she will make Mommy and Daddy lots of money!! Until then, I will be looking for earplugs!!

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