Monday, December 6, 2010

Quality Time

While Hayley was at Momma's this weekend, I enjoyed some quality time with Hunter. We have been  crazy busy (Tis' the Season) and it was so nice to be able to stay at home and do nothing, but everything!
Hunter had gotten some Bayblades for Christmas (from Granny) and wanted to battle, so we played that for a long time. I lost, or so I was told--I really don't understand how they work. I did however beat him on Wipe Out on the Wii--that is one fun game, I'm a little sore from it all.

I had made some Oreo balls for Bunco and saved a few out for's his new favorite cookie (mine too!). It was a perfect snowy and cold evening for cookies and hot chocolate for our snack!

I can't believe that he will be 9 in January, time is flying. Any chance that I get to snuggle, hold, rock my kiddos I jump on it. Won't be too much longer before they won't have anything to do with me.

Thanks Buddy, for hanging out with Momma and not beating me too badly. I love you and will always cherish these memories!

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