Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Christmas all over!?!?!?

I got my long awaited package in the mail last night. It's like Christmas all over for me. Heart palpitations, sweaty palms and one as quickly and carefully as possible and pull out......
MY CUSTOM MADE coupon binder by yours truly COUPON CASEY!

Remember me telling you about the coupon party that I went to a while back. Well, it was super cool and very informative and I can't even begin to share or tell you all that I learned. I am SUPER excited to put all my coupons into my book and start shopping!!

lots of pretty labeled pages
all complete with tabs and everything!

My goal this year to keep a running total of how much I save and put that money into our vacation account....we are going on a cruise (more on that later)

Check out Casey's blog, she is new and trying to get all the quirks out:

So start clipping those coupons and shop smart!

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