Thursday, December 16, 2010

Dress Rehersal

Last night was dress rehearsal for the kids Christmas Play,  seems like yesterday was the first practice and now I can't believe that the big day  this Sunday!! The kids have done a wonderful job and are super excited to perform for everyone!
I always have a love hate with the everything the kids do at church. I love that they are so involved with Team Kids, Play, Children's Worship, Mission Friends (starts in January) but hate that I am always suckered into helping with these. I LOVE my preschoolers and wouldn't trade them for anything in the world. But it's at times like these I wish I could say NO and sit back and enjoy the play--taping and taking pictures like everyone else. Don't worry, I took plenty last night and already have "bartered" with a parent for a copy of their video.

Here's a sneak peek:
Frosty and Minnie
(Grant and Hayley)
Double trouble:
Hayley and Cole
Lana and Hayley
trying to get all 14 preschoolers to look at once is impossible!
my FAVORITE trio of all times!
Minnie has a solo
These were my "kids" last year--they all are getting big
The Nativity scene
(Tex (aka Hunter)  is on the left in the plaid shirt)
Nathan wants to be with the big kids so bad!! Next year buddy!!
Hunter during his solo

Don't forget the play is this Sunday, December 19th @ 6pm
See you there!!

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