Saturday, December 25, 2010

Christmas Eve

We spent Christmas Eve at Ma/Pa's with the Wethington side of the family. Had  a great time with lots of laughter, food and presents. It was so nice to spend  some quality time with everyone and missed those who were not in town with us; Brad, Angela, Luke, Faith and Tony

It wouldn't be Christmas without Brian messing with everyone stocking
Hunter got a cool Mickey Mouse watch
We got Pop and Limb Saw
more Beyblades
Brian's custom license plate
(all he wanted this year)
Hayley got Twister from Tony
Prissy and Pa
Hunter and Eric played Battleship

Chelsey, Hayley and Kristian

Nana, Kristian and Chelsey
Aren't we cute??
LOVE this man
Me and my gal

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