Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Allergy Dr

Hayley went for her 6 months check up with Dr. Feger (her allergist/allergy Dr.) yesterday and did so well.  She is up to 46" and 44 pounds!!  Her lung functions are s-l-o-w-l-y, and I do mean s-l-o-w-l-y improving, hey I will take any improvement we can get.  Still having to rely lots of nebulizer treatments, but we feel this is more due to the lovely Kentuckiana weather we have been having. Snow, ice, rain, sleet, sunny day, and then repeat for the next week--seems to be the pattern we are in right now!  Going to try (key word) to wean her off the Xopenex and onto an inhaler, which could be interesting! Poor thing is going to have to carry and inhaler/epi-pen with her where ever she goes! Good thing she really doesn't mind. We did get an allergy shot while we were there, this is the first time in 3 weeks, since we have been wheezing and rattling something awful. Shot was still cut back, her reactions are starting to show up more and more! I had to laugh at Dr. Feger--he said she was the best case study he has ever seen. You name it, Hayley is allergic to it!! Why, thanks--we strive to please (and keep you in business, I personally think Hayley could pay his salary and the entire staff as much as we are in there!!) Will go back in another 6 months, hopefully no sooner!

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