Monday, April 5, 2010

Tee Ball

Keegan had his first Tee Ball game last night so the kids and I headed over to watch him play. It's really weird that he is playing at Clarksville Little League, that is where Dad grew up playing ball, all three of us girls grew up playing softball and to see how much its grew and changed is neat. I mean, the fields were not near as nice as they are now, I think there were a total of 5 dirt fields, 1 concession stand on the far end, 1 nasty bathroom and maybe a swing set--not now--all the fields are so nice, a play area, bricked concession area with picnic tables in the shade---guess things change for good!
He is the cutest little and I do mean little "cago cubs" player there is...complete with his own batting helmet with BROWN on the back!! And you wonder why I love this boy SO much.

Max is on Keegan's team as well!

L-O-V-E how it says BROWN on the back!

Keegan at bat

Keegan made a run

While the game was going on, the kids were excited about the playground--it was nice because I could stand there and watch the kids play and also the game--we killed two birds with one stone. Max is also on Keegan's team so Charlotte and Lola joined us at the playground. The kids play SO well together and are too cute to watch, it's times like these that I wish we all lived closer so that we all could see each other more, but it makes our visits even more special!
Hunter, Charlotte, Hayley and Lola
(look at her face--she kills me!)

being silly

Hunter, Lola, Charlotte, Hayley

Lola and Hayley

he LET me take a picture of us!

the kids couldn't wait to runt he bases after the game-
can you tell we frequent Buddy Bat games?

so stinkin' cute

enjoying a treat after a GREAT game

Hayley, Hunter and Keegan

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