Monday, April 19, 2010

1 heifer and 2 bulls

We had to take something back up to the cabin and Luke was hanging out with Pop and Nana while Brad was setting a blind up. Faith was not there again--we are starting to wonder if we will ever get to see her or even a picture with all 4 of the grand kids! Luke was loving the calf huts and kept calling then a 'doghouse'. I couldn't help but to get a picture of the kids playing inside of them!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I hate that you weren't at church because they all four played together the whole time! And you left Pops so early Sunday that you missed Faith when she woke up. I wanted to get together and get all four of their pics professionally made while we were in town but I never heard back from you on it, I know the family would really have enjoyed that. Maybe next time we come into town we can, unless you guys want to come to NC...
Blessings ~ Angela

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