Tuesday, April 13, 2010

I love it when....

~both kids fight over who get to say the dinner blessing. We usually have to take turns as far as who goes first, alternating each night.

~it's homework time and both kids are sitting at the kitchen table working independently--talking about bitter sweet--they both are growing up so fast.

~Hayley is so excited when I pick her up from school to give me a play by play of her day and all that she has learned.

~ Hunter helps explains math or spelling to Hayley--he wants to make sure that she will one day be as smart as he is.

~ I get to tuck you into bed nightly and I get to hear you pray so sincerely--I often get teary eyed listening to how much you care and love your family and friends.

~ listening to you both read Clayton.

~you both like to cuddle on the couch with me UNTIL you Daddy walks in and says something.

~Hayley randomly wants to do our secret handshake.

~you both don't have to be asked when its time to pitch and get the "farm chores" done--your dedication to the farm and hard work ethic makes your Daddy and I so proud!

~Hayley brought her purse to dinner this weekend and offered to pay for our meal. She is so sincere and always wanting to do something special for us

~Hunter takes us for his little sister!

~during all these past weeks of Doctor visits and surgeries, Hunter was worried and concerned about Hayley.

~you asked to hold my hand and were so brave during your surgeries/procedures. The doctors and nurses were also so proud about how well you understood what was being down and how you asked questions--you are not my little girl anymore!

~ I glance in the rear view mirror to see you both dancing and singing to the radio

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