Saturday, April 3, 2010

Hunter's 1st Turkey

Today was opening day of youth season and Hunter harvested his first Tom--9 inch beard and 22.1 pounds!!! Brian had to work so Pop was the lucky one who got to take Hunter out to the fields!! After calling for a while, a few were in sight and the next thing you know, "BANG" he is on the ground. His friend was in denial, he wouldn't leave and even pounced on the decoys!! Hunter easily could of had two turkeys, but just got the one. He is so excited and proud and so are we!!
Game on big boys--lets see who can beat him now!!

Hunter and Pop

trying to pick it up--it's huge

there I finally got it!

Hayley, Hunter and Pop

they aren't proud or anything

like Pop like grandson

Hayley has to be right in the middle of all the action

Hayley had to take pics too!

9 inch beard

22.1 pounds--big bird!

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