Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Play Dough Fun

The kids were itching to redeem their WalMart gift cards from VBS last week, so we made the dreaded trip. Hayley spent all her money on craft items: play dough, crayons, markers, and paint. Hunter spent his on 2 Lego sets. Its what they wanted, after 20 minutes of not making up their mind!



Brian thought he was funny and made dog poop!



Sunday, June 26, 2011

Big Apple Adventure

We had VBS this past week and we all are still trying to recoup. I am sad that I didn't get to the kids room to take pictures more but when you are teaching 15, 4 & 5 year olds, it gets crazy and wild!

I did have Clayton in my class this year..added bonus!

We had Commencement on Friday night and each class got to share what they had learned during the week. I AM so proud of both kids, they answered questions, knew their memory verses and did wonderfully on their song! Many thanks to Amy, Lindsey, Ryan and Eva for putting up with my kids this week!!
The Library ladies did something new this year, had a little reading contest for each class. Hunter won for his, and Hayley for hers!! They take after their momma and love to read!!

I got some snuggle time in with Leah Beth (Claytons' sister)--she is pure rotten and just like her Daddy, poor Lori!! Hard to believe that she will be 1 next month, she is getting too big!
LOVE her little teeth!

Friday, June 24, 2011


My kids are abnormal...they LOVE going to Dr. Massey's!! Guess it's because we were always there for Hayley when she was little (knocking on wood as I type that), but thankfully we are starting to outgrow that. It was last October before we were seen in May for her ears, 7 months and one of our longest stretches!! 
I always tease Dr. M that she can afford her house, vacations and holidays because we were paying her and Dr. Eyre's ( her hubby and Hayley's old ENT) salary forever!! When you find someone who is awesome as Dr M, its worth all the money.  WE LOVE HER!!

Hayley woke up last night several times screaming about her right ear so she was being extra loving today while we waited. I was glad that we had this appointment already scheduled so we could have her ears looked at. One month ago to the day was when we had our last ear infection--I have a feeling that the cycle is going to start back.

The kids were excited that they didn't have to get finger pricks, throat swabbed, pee in a cup or shots (Hunter did get a Heb A shot, by my choice)  Blood pressure was good, must take after Momma and not Daddy!!

 Can't believe that my babies are going to be in the 2nd and 4th grade!!! Where has time and summer gone? Seems like its flying by...makes me sad

I have a picture like this since they day they were born!! Told you Dr M is pretty special to us

All in all we got a good report on the kids. Hayley's right ear (last month it was left ear, go figure) is pretty nasty and draining lots. Tube is still in for now. We started Siprodex drops and will follow up with ENT next week.  Dr. M gave me a script for Ammox, she knows how this ends up and is always one step ahead....pure Awesomeness, I tell ya

Hunter's Stats:
59 pounds 8 ounces
53 1/4  inches

Hayley' Stats:
45 pounds 4 ounces
47 3/4 inches

So thankful to have healthy and growing kids!!

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Stolen Pictures

 One of the good things about having friends who blog, you can steal pictures! Here are some from our fun day at the Oedy's last week. (thanks Diana and Manda!)

 Sweet Lana and Hayley--they are TROUBLE together!!

Our fun lunch bunch:
Jack, Eli, Lana, Hunter and Hayley

Pool fun

Today we headed over to T's house for some swimming fun!! No way was I going to get in the water, it was too cold, but the kids didn't seem to mind one bit! My kids are the jumpin-est things ever. I just happened to capture some today!!

Had to get a picture of Emily and her new puppy Dixie.


Hayley was chosen to hold the flag this week at VBS and was so proud!! I am hoping to get some more pictures and post tomorrow!!

Summer Sleepover

One of the many reasons we love summertime....SLEEPOVERS!!!

Clayton has been wanting to come over and spend the night and since this week has been VBS, it worked out perfectly!! I miss not seeing that little stinker and he is growing up so fast!!!
We had lots of fun while he was here...popcorn, Sprite and a bedtime movie!
 We had planned on going to the Shelby County Pool but didn't get to because of the weather. It rained most of the morning so we just hung out and played at the house and went to out to lunch!! So thankful that the weather let up so we could get outside and burn some energy!!
 LOVE, LOVE, LOVE summertime!! Makes me sad to think that its half way over!!

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Sunday Fun

We headed into Louisville today and went to church with the Wethington's for Father Day! It was extra special because we finally got to see Unc, Aunt Angela, Luke and Faith and they are now living back home in "Tucky!!!!" We are beyond excited to get some "spoil time" in on Luke and Faith...I have already stocked up on smarties, gummies and Oreo's.

 Nothing says Sunday afternoon fun then a game of whiffle ball! Ma even got in on the fun

Pa and Ma with all 4 of their Great Grand kids!!

Pop with all of his grand babies...all spoiled rotten!!!

Father's Day

As I sit to write this, Brian is at work and has been for the past 20 1/2 hours. He got off at 9:30am  and had to leave again for work at 1:30pm. Once again we are hit with lovely storms (thankfully no tornado damage this time) mostly lots of rain and wind damages. It seems that this has become the normal way of life for us before our cruise and the past 5 days we have been home. Not by choice on our end, but on LGE's choice...such is the life when you are married to a Lineman! When Mother Nature calls, you better be ready.  The kids and I are so blessed to have the most hardworking and best Daddy/Husband ever!!  Happy Father's Day Brian. We love you and can't wait to celebrate this day with you sometime when Mother Nature slows down.

Slip in Slide

We headed over to the Oedy's for Slip in Slide fun with the Murphy's and Scott's!! I am so glad that even though my kids are older we still have fun doing play dates! There are always so many kids there to love on, babies to hold and spoil and friends to play with. God truly has blessed us with amazing friends!!

Tate has gotten so BIG


Love me some Jack Murphy