Sunday, January 2, 2011

Starting the year off right

Mimi has been telling the kids ever since Spring that they HAD to ride on New Year's Day because that meant that it was going to be a good year, horse wise. Well, you tell the kids something like that and they won't forget you said it. So we headed down to the barn this afternoon to play with the horses and ride.
 We haven't been on a horse since late November so I was anxious to see how the kids would both do. Hayley was a little skiddish and wanted to on a  ride buddy seat, but I finally talked her into riding with herself with me leading. She did wonderfully and I am sure by the end of this month she will be back to her old self and riding every horse! Hunter was an old pro and did very well!
 I didn't ride Lighting, because he was a little wound tight since he has really been rode or messed with for a little over a month. He did well getting brushed out, just fidgety...kinda like my kids!  I did hitch him in a stall for the night so he will learn how to stand still, so we will see how this does! Here are some pictures from our night, hope you enjoy!!

Hunter giving Lighting some special treats

I wanted to give Lighting a good brush out

His "lighting bolt" hence how he got his name

Learning how to stand pretty

smile purddy

Hayley was ready to go on Toby

First ride of 2011
Hunter on Toby

First ride of 2011
Hayley on Max

Hayley and Lighting
Hunter and Lighting

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