Monday, January 10, 2011

Flash Back aggrevated right now. I have been trying to upload pictures to do a slide show for Hayley's birthday and for some reason Blogger isnt being very nice right now!! So here are a few pictures that are from her birthday each year, I can't believe how quick kids grow up, breaks my heart. We are truly blessed with a healthy (knocking on wood as I type), beautiful daughter. Happy Birthday Piglett!! Hope you know how much you are loved!!

This is my favorite picture EVER. Hunter was always laying on my belly (yes all 72 pounds I gained) and so in love with his sister from day one (and still is)
Photo taken the night before enduction

Hayley Evelyn Wethington
January 7, 2004
6 pounds 5 ounces
20 1/2" long
1:18 pm

Our family of 4 photo

Hayley's 1st & Hunter's 3rd
Hayley's 2nd

Hayley's 3rd

Hayley's 4th

Hayley's 5th

Hayley's 6 with Bonnie Hou

Hayley's 7th with Momma

 Happy Birthday to you,
 Happy Birthday to you,
Happy Birthday dear, Hayley
Happy Birthday to you!

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