Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Kids and more kids!

Today was a wild and crazy day, but so much fun!! All 5 kids (Hunter, Hayley, Clayton, Leah and Allison) were all here and had a blast playing together. At times it was utter and complete chaos, mostly trying to keep the 3 older kids quiet during naps,  but I can honestly say, I LOVED IT!!! I'm looking forward to some fun playing time with just the little ones, since my kids went back to school today :).

Clayton, Leah, Hayley, Allison, Hunter
I was as a little hesitant on how Clayton would react with having two babies to deal with but he ate it up!! He is such an easy going and loving child, he loved playing with both Allison and Leah. Was always asking if I needed help changing or feeding (his job has been to get me diapers and he is proud to do so!) As I was feeding Leah he told me that Allison was his baby and Leah mine...it was so cute! I think he's just excited to have someone different to play with other then me and his sister.
Both babies did very well--there wasn't a time when they both were screaming needing fed! Both girls are very curious about the other and its so neat to watch and see them try to interact and play. Hard to believe that there are only 3 days between them, Leah is 3 days older then Allison.

I was thinking about how different the girls are from each other:
~Leah prefers her back, Allison prefers her stomach
~Leah doesn't like a passie, Allison does
                                       ~Leah isn't crawling/scooting/sitting up, Allison is (thank goodness, I don't think I could chase two crawling babies)
~Allison is breast fed, Leah is formula
~Leah "talks" then Allison
~Leah eats every 4 hours, Allison every 2

Thank goodness each child is different, I don't think that I could handle identical children whether they be my own or someone elses!

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