Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Quality Time

Brian had been on vacation last week we were able to spend some quality time one-on-one with the kids. I am SO blessed that I have husband who loves to do things to make them each feel special and goes out of his way to spend special time with them.

Wednesday evening, Hayley and Brian headed to the woods for some Father/Daughter hunting. I don't know who was more excited, Brian or Hayley. They didn't get anything but they both had a great time and was filled with special memories.

Hayley heading to the woods

Hunter was excited that I was going to let him bake brownies to take for the Farnsley's Thanksgiving dinner. (Don't worry Chelsey, I haven't made any brownies for anyone else....waiting til you are home for Christmas!!) All in all, he did a wonderful job, read and followed directions perfectly and didn't make too big of a mess. I even let him lick the bowl!!!
Makes me realize how quick the kids are growing up and I am thankful that we get to still makes memories together. I know that in a blink of an eye they won't want anything to do with us.

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