Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Mommy Night Out

Saturday night we had a Mommy Play date at none other then "The Cheesecake Factory!" It seems like all the time we are planning play dates for our kiddos and never really get a chance to have some much needed Mommy time, so we fixed that. Rules for our evening were as follows: No fast food, No time limit, No kids and No highchairs. Simple and easy to follow.  Dinner was wonderful and we had a great time having actual conversations filled with lots of laughter. I am blessed to have such an awesome group of friends. Looking forward to our next night out!

Only a preggers lady (Manda) would come to Cheesecake Factory and order a cheeseburger and fries..guess that's what Colin Tate wanted!
Manda let me get in lots of belly rubs
(she is SO tiny...due in 6 weeks)

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