Thursday, September 9, 2010

Hard to belive...

Sgt. James Daniel Faulkner

                                                     April 28, 1981 - September 8, 2004

                                                  Operation Iraqi Freedom - Baghdad, Iraq

That it's been 6 years since heaven gained another angel. I can still remember getting the phone call from Heather that you had lost your life in Iraq. There is not a day that goes by that I don' think about you, we love and miss you. You will always be DAN THE MAN. Thank you for giving yourself so that we may life in the "land of the free and the home of the brave." My thoughts and prayers go out to the Faulkner/Gilkey family today, may they be comforted today and always. Love you guys

To read about Daniels story please visit his website:

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