Monday, September 6, 2010

Hike and Bike

Today was the annual Mayor's Hike and Bike--its a 18 mile coarse that begins at the River Front and goes to Iroquois Park and back. Pop and Nana have done this for the past several years and asked Hunter if he would like to join them this year.  Hayley is not that fond of biking long distances so she stayed home with us.  I can't believe that Hunter rode all 18 miles--I am SO proud of him. He is a biking fool!! That is the only draw back of living where we do, gravel roads. The kid and I do ride our bikes to the end of the road and back (about 3 miles round trip) once a week, I am wore out by the end. Guess it's just part of getting older.

They headed down to the River Front around 9 and got lots of free goodies: bell and light for your bike, tshirt, backpack, toothbrush, free Subway breakfast sandwich, and a helmet...that is worth the 18 miles right there. 

Hunter's summary of today is this: had lots of fun, lots of people, some guy from Biggest Loser was there and he had a broken arm, Mayor Abramson said "Hi" to them, stopped for water (yes there were stations along the way), stopped for Nana to go to the bathroom. Pop made him cross the finish line twice so he can take a picture (I have trained Pop well!!) but he cut Hunter out of the picture (needs more training), yes I am a little tired, I ate bake beans and hot dogs for lunch (his favorite meal)

I hate that I didn't think to send my camera and have no pictures of this day. Hayley and I are going to start "training" for next  years, so that we can join in the fun.

Thanks for the invite Pop and Nana, he had lots of fun!

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