Sunday, June 27, 2010

Work Par--tay

Friday night we gathered at the Perry's house to work on church's float for the Mt. Eden 4th of July Parade (yes, we will be having it on July 3rd in Mt. Eden, come one, come all!) complete with some yummy homemade ice cream!! We had all kinds: chocolate, vanilla, banana, orange sherbet and pineapple. The kids and I had a bowl of each, it was too yummy to pass up!!

I didn't get to take too many pictures because we really were busy with getting things done--I will have to "steal" some pictures from other people and post, but don't worry I will have pictures of our complete float on parade day!!

Renea (Gartland) had come up with our theme: "Freedom began in a manger then went to the cross" and then Todd and Michelle (Nethery) took it from there and boy did they out a lot work into it!! A manger scene, barn, hay, water fall, mountains, crucifix--the whole nine yards--it looks so awesome!!

Alan, Hunter,Hayley, Grant, Perry, Sammi and Noah
(just a few of the many who kiddos who were there)

Karen, Holly and Johnny

I can't wait until Saturday when all the finishing touches are on it and you can see how much hard work sweat went into it! We are truly blessed with lots of talent adults and kids in our church!

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