Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Allergy/Asthma Doctor

 Hayley had her 6 month follow up with Dr. Feger today and thankfully we had some good news--IT'S ABOUT TIME!!  She is still allergic to everything God created and will continue on weekly allergy shots. Our "plan" that was created for this past school year worked wonderfully (thanks to all at TES for following this) so we will do that again for the 2010-11 year (wow--that is so weird to type or even say!) and her lung function has INCREASED!!!! Last year she was breathing between 72-75% and today was 82%--THANK THE LORD!!  I was really surprised and pleased with the improvement.  Dr. Feger is wanting to try weaning her off the Nebulizer (deep breath here--kinda scary, it's been a part of our lives for 6 years) and have her rely more on a inhaler (signs she is growing up!) Luckily, we have not had to be that dependant on the Nebulizer lately--just basically at night time, but once again, that is a huge improvement over the every 4-6 hours we are used to.  All this is due to the success of her tubes staying open and draining (4th time is a charm)  and her Sinus scrape she had in April!! Looks like we are finally on the road to good health-- I am knocking on wood as I type--oh yeah, I almost forgot...we even got all our med's refilled for another year and all of our school papers signed too!! This makes for a happy Momma!!

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