Tuesday, June 29, 2010


Hayley had her 3 week follow-up today with the Infectious Disease team, thanks to our lovely little hospital stay from earlier in the month. We finally got a good report and clean bill of health, here is our 2 hour visit in a nut shell: Blood levels are normal, medicine will be finished by Monday, no more blood work, infections are gone, ears, nose and lungs are clear, and we healed nicely!! THANK YOU JESUS!!!

We decided that since we were there to go ahead and do the last blood work up so we wouldn't have to drive into town Friday. Hayley was super excited that she got a "Hooter's Bandaide".....she is her father's child and couldn't wait for me to take a picture and 'blog' about it!! The things we do for our children!!

Look at how proud she is!

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