Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Camping-- Day 2

Sunday morning Brian and I woke up before anyone else (that happens when you sleep in a tent compared to the rest of our group who were in the Camper) and Keegan came to join us. Not wanting to wake up anyone else we decide to take a little trip because Keegan and Brian NEEDED donuts and chocolate milk.

 Amy wasn't the happiest about our breakfast choice, but that is one of the many joys of being an Aunt/Uncle we can spoil him rotten and there is nothing she can say!! Both of the boys loved the donuts and got to share with everyone but Amy since she was against it all along!!'

Hayley and Aunt Erin were entertaining us while we were putting on sunscreen!

Grandpa and Erin joined us Sunday morning for yet another day at Holiday World. Hayley went with  Aunt Amy,  Uncle Jason, Grandma and Keegan to do some rides and then hit the water park while us bigger kids (Brian, Grandpa, Hunter, Erin and myself) did some roller coasters and then the water park! I will be so glad when both of my kids will be the same height so that we can do rides together.  I thought that Hayley would get upset of not being able to do all the rides, but she wanted to go with Keegan and had lots of fun and laughter with him!  We met back at camp to eat lunch and naps for those who needed them!

Keegan was all ready to hit the water park

me and my gal!
Hunter and Brian were roasting hot dogs for lunch
KEEGAN and Aunt Jess

We were worn out from day 2 of closing down the park and headed back to camp for showers, dinner and s'mores!!  Our dinner was YUMMO once again..steaks, chicken, sauteed onion and mushrooms, asparagus, baked taters and corn on cob--we were starving and couldn't wait to eat!

The kids watched Toothfairy while we were cooking

grill masters
cooking baked taters
playing Bingo
Hunter was showing Grandma how to roast marsh mellows

Monday we all woke up and started to pack camp up--once that was all done and we were loaded we got a fun treat....PADDLE BOATS, thanks to Aunt Amy and Uncle Jason!! We had so many people that we had to rent two boats: Amy, Jason, Keegan and Hayley were on one boat and Brian, Grandma, Hunter and I were on the other.  It was a fun but boy it was hard work and we felt the burn in our legs--we definitely want to do this again next time we come!

Grandpa, Grandma, Hayley and Hunter

It was a great trip filled with lots of fun in the sun and memories--we are already talking about next year.
I am blessed to have such an awesome family who braved the heat and bugs to join us--WE LOVE YOU!

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