Wednesday, June 30, 2010

VBS--Day 2

First things first, here are some pictures of Ms. Diana's classroom. She has it set up neat with lots of centers (story, play dough, crafts, blocks, dress-up) to keep the little one's busy!!
Today our story was about how God took care of  Joseph and once again the kids did so well listening and answering their questions.  Ms. Sherwin did an awesome job teaching as always!!

Craft for tonight was coloring our iron on's for our t-shirts, the kids LOVED doing this

 I even snuck out and got some pictures of my kiddos. That is the only thing I hate about teaching VBS, I don't get to take pictures or be with my kids. They on the other hand, love not having me around!
Hayley's class making sand necklaces

Hunter's class working on picture frames

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