Monday, February 15, 2010

Whose child is she?

Last night Hayley informed me that her fingers and toes needed to be painted again. As you all know I am not one to have my fingers always manicured and painted. The few times (Brian did buy me a mani/pedi before at Great Wolf) that I have had them painted the cows really were not all that impressed! (HA HA) Living on a farm is a hands on job: feeding/watering animals twice daily, unloading feed, loading the wood stove, etc, that is just a waste of time to sit and paint your nails only to have them ruined later that day!
So, I gave in and turned the living room into a "KIDS SPA" Complete with Jonas Brothers on the TV, her favorite lunch..tuna sandwich with a Capri Sun and she even got to pick out the color of polish--hot pink! I had a great time "pampering" her, I told her she better not get used to it!

soaking her feet

painting her toes

fingers to match

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