Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Mitchell Lane

*This post is just for you Ms. Sweazy*

I finally made remembered to take my camera to the end of the drive when I finally checked the mail on Tuesday night. We have not left the house since Sunday afternoon--that is 3 LONG days, the drive and roads are still very slick. Brian has even gotten stuck on our drive with 4 wheel drive!! Still no signs of road crews out here in the back 40, and we are doubtful we will see any!! Just glad that the snow has finally stopped for the time being--our 3 day total was 7.2"--and that is after the sun had been out for a day!

Looking right on Mitchell Lane from the top of the drive
Looking left on Mitchell Lane from the top of the drive

I am standing at the top of our drive looking
towards the house.

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