Saturday, January 2, 2010

What a start

We have had quite an eventful start to our new year, we are praying that it only gets better at this point. Brian has been sick for over a week and went to the Immediate Care center after work(that should tell you how bad he has been feeling!) on has a nasty sinus infection. He is feeling a tad better-- I did talk him into taking off work and trying (key word here) to get some much needed sleep Friday and he did!
I decided that while he was sleeping the kids and I would run our errands and return some Christmas gifts--our stops were going be to Dollar General, Wal-Mart, Target, Bed, Bath & Beyond and Kohl's. We going to do this at the Summit Shopping Center since all these stores are by each other and it's closer then going to Louisville.
We had just left store #2 (Target) and going to Kohls. I was at a stop sign going thru an intersection, and hit a van! I assumed that we all had a stop and we didn' was all my fault. WE ALL ARE OK--kids are fine (still in shock I think--no body in either vehicle was hurt, thank God!) I called Brian and he came and rescued me...isn't he the greatest?? Poor thing had just taken medicine and laid down and then I call him and wake him up with "honey, we have just been in a wreck"
The truck was drive able to the body shop where its now awaiting the insurance people to come and do their the mean time, we are car's for the birds! I love my little truck, the awesome gas mileage 21 in the city, you know you are jealous and the fact that as long as we have been married (8 years in May) we have never had a car payment, or ANY payment other then a house payment!!
Jokingly, I told Brian that I was determined to get my new car before he gets his truck!! We had plan of him getting a new truck in the Spring and me a car in the fall...looks like that all has changed now!
Thank you Lord for keeping me and my babies safe during all of this!

1 comment:

Diana Oedy said...

I didn't know you guys were in a wreck!! So glad to hear everyone is ok! Hope the whole car situation gets resoloved soon too, I know what a pain that can be!!

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