Friday, January 22, 2010

Hunter's 8th Birthday

I can't believe that 8 years ago, Hunter was born!!! Honestly it doesn't seem possible for him to be that old, guess he is growing up too quickly. Brian took the day off so that we could pick the kids up from school and then head over to Hunter's favorite restaurant to eat....HOOTER'S! We had called Jammy and Jampy to see if they wanted to join us for dinner and finally have our Christmas together as well and they did.

Hunter was in heaven getting to watch TV while he ate dinner

Jammy, Hayley and Hunter with their t-shirts:
"Life begins at Hooters"

Hooter's girls signing their birthday shirts

Picture time:

I ordered a fish was HUGE!

Hunter had to stand up in a chair and flap his wings like a bird while getting sung to! We were surprised that he did this especially since he gets embarrassed so easily. He was all about the attention!!!

I love this picture, this is how MOST of the ones we took came out...him not looking at the camera.
Guess it was because he was entertained by looking at all the pretty ladies!

We came home and as requested a COOKIE CAKE

Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday dear Hunter
Happy birthday to you!!!

May all your wishes come true Nuck~ We love you SO much~

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