Friday, January 29, 2010

100th Day of School

We finally made it to the 100th day of school today and only have 84 more until summer break, but whose counting? I was really hoping that we would have a snow day today, but that didn't happen...bummer!!! There were lots of fun learning and educational activities taking place in the classrooms today and I was blessed to go and help in Hayley's class. Hunter is at the stage in life where he doesn't want me to volunteer in his room much, guess that isn't cool when you Momma is in your room and you are a 2nd grader. I did stop in several times to take pictures but as you can only imagine how they turned out....poor thing, he will die of embarrassment.

Brian made over...don't you just love his face here?

Hayley making her "100 days" shirt

Finished product:
the bottom is a picture of Ms. Sweazy, her and Mrs. Forberger

Hunter's class enjoying their treats!

coloring and cutting hats

so proud

Ms. Sweazy wore her hat too!

Hayley's class with their "100 DAY HATS"

Singing the 100 day song

counting, graphing and stringing Fruit Loops for a necklace

100th Day of School
Hayley (Kindergarten)
Hunter (2nd grade)

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