Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Spitznagel Christmas

It was our year for Christmas at GG and Gramps!! I love that we get to still be part of this complete and utter chaos of 10,000 people running around, never ending line of food, cookies and drinks, the excitement of the little ones and Santa, singing Christmas carols, reading the bible and the endless mounds of wrapping paper from the pile of presents that are bigger then the tree!! I know that I am leaving lots out and for that I am sorry. Mostly,  I am thankful that my grandparents are alive and well and that we are still celebrating holidays with them, my crazy aunts/uncles and the endless cousins. I love you all 

After dinner we all piled like Sardines (no joke) and started singing Christmas carols, youngest to oldest.

Santa must have heard us singing because he came to see everyone!

Hunter and me

I love that we have always read the Christmas Story in the Bible. That was something that each of us "original" grand kids looked up to, our turn reading. Now that we are all grown, its time that our children read. Year after year, I always get teary eyed when listening to them read. Thanks GG and Gramps for starting this tradition many moons ago!

All the great grand kids were waiting patiently for Gramps to pass out presents.

Cool miss matched socks from Sam

Bey blades from Max

Daddy and me

**Insert intermission and clearing of great grand kids**
Yes, we are such a large family that we have to open presents in 2 shifts: first the great grand kids and then the cousins, aunts/uncles. The kids never seem to mind leaving the room because they are always excited to play with each other and their new Christmas loot!!

Bree, Charlotte, Hayley and Lola with their new tea sets from GG

It was Bey Blades for the boys


Aunt Susie wrote and an awesome story about GG and Gramps and how they grew up/met/married. I definitely want a copy of this to keep so I can share with the kids as they get older. Well, in the story it talked about a pearl necklace that GG wore on her wedding day and then each of the 6 daughters opened their boxes and it was some of those pearls from GG's necklace. It was so AWESOME because there was significant meaning for each size and amount pearls, beads, etc. I wish that I could remember it all. How cool that my Mom and each of her sisters will always have a special necklace made just for them!

Thanks for another wonderful Christmas, its was so nice getting to spend time with you all!

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