Sunday, December 25, 2011

Christmas with Pop and Nana's

Friday night Pop and Nana had the Wethington boy's over for Christmas. Its was the first year that we have done this, usually we stop over sometime on Christmas morn on the way to Indiana. We are all in agreement that we should of started doing this a long time ago and will hopefully do the same next year. Having a night where we can all relax, eat and enjoy each other before having to head to the next house was so enjoyable!

The story behind the ugly beautiful feather: Ma took the kids shopping to finish up their Christmas list and to spend some quality time with them. I hate these feathers, mainly because I am SO over seeing my students with them. (I do have to say that my cousin had  pink one in for breast cancer and it was really cute, just not for us) Think they are hideous and am thankful that Susan (our hairdresser) is against them too and refuses to do them. Its a win--win situation. Well, guess who comes home with TWO, not one but TWO of these lovely guessed it....HAYLEY!! One hot pink and one teal blue.....lord help me!!! Thankfully, they are just clip on one or I would have a huge problem!! I was being the nice Momma and let her wear her "feather" to all the Christmas' we went to. She was pretty proud and so it was worth it, don't worry, she has already been told that these ARE NOT being worn to school.

Unc was  a good sport and tried it out

Faith was all about her Aunt Jess, maybe because of all the cookies I kept giving her?!

Nana sure does play into Hayley and her diva ways....nail polish
Scrapbooking items

Remote control truck

UK pillow pet!!!!
This killed them bc they are a UL family!!

Nana got a new tote bag

more Lego's

Zumba for the Wii

Faith and Luke

Faith LOVED her chair!!
Nana, Pop and the grandkids:
Faith, Luke, Hunter and Hayley

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