Monday, December 19, 2011


We had made plans with Aunt Amy and Uncle Jason to get Keegan over night for some spoiling time!! Friday, was the perfect day, the start of Christmas break and we had to be at Grandma and Grandpa's on Saturday afternoon for Christmas so it worked perfectly.
Brian had been conteplating what to do and found the new Chipmunk movie was opening that night, so we hit none other then Mc Donald's (Keegan's choice) for dinner and then the movie. It was a super cute movie and everyone loved it!!!

Alvin, Keegan and Hunter

my chipmunks waiting for the movie to start.

Thanks for such a fun evening!! We love getting to spend special time with you (and filling you with sugar and staying up later) and then get to send you home. Its one of the many fun parts of beign an Aunt and Uncle. We love you bunches

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