Friday, December 23, 2011

Ice Skating

We were heading back home thru Lexington and saw that they had an outdoor ice skating rink (in front of Rupp Arena) and just HAD to stop!! I am not the ice skater of the family, just can't bring myself to try it. One of us has to be the responsible one to drive the others to the hospital and ake pictures. Brian just laguhs at me saying that its my OCD (which is SO true) and that I can't control if and when I fall. Any ways.....
The kids LOVED it...Hayley is a natural at this and Hunter, God love him, looks as if he is having full body convulsions the whole time. I thought that it woudl be the other way around since Hunter is a natural pro at skiing. By the end of the night both kids were skating much better and didn't want to leave. I am so glad, this means our skiing/snow tubing trip to Gatlinburg in February will be much more fun!!

Lacing their boots up

Hunter in Camo jacket on Left
Hayley in brown jacket on Right

Brian and Hayley

Hunter was a skating pro by the end of the night.

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