Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Holiday World

Saturday morning Brian woke up and wanted to go camping at Lake Rudolph/ Holiday World, so we ran around like wild and had things ready to go in about 2 hours. The Easter Bunny had brought the kids season passes and we have two different camping trips already booked, so what a better "excuse" to go and scope things out.  Now remember: I am one who has to have things planned out to the T and I absolutely can not stand to be RUSHED--Brian on the other hand doesn't think twice about things--his theory, if we forget it we can just go to the store and buy it--typical man!!

We had to stop on the way in Cordyn to get the camping essentials:  (I had asked Brian about food and he said for me not to worry about it) marsh mellows, Hersey bars, gram crackers, hot dogs, mustard, buns and chips--ALL OF WHICH WE HAD AT HOME!!!

Then it was time to get down to business...setting up the tent and unpacking all of our goodies
Brian has this hat that he has been wearing and Hayley decided to steal it while we were in the car. She told us to turn around am look at her: She magically turned into Brian, complete with his hat and sunglasses--
she is a mess--just like her Daddy!

Once camp set up  was completed we headed down the road to Holiday World. We didn't know that there was a shuttle from the campground to the park so we drove the truck and then hopped on the tram
I don't know who was more excited about going--the kids or Brian. I sware it's like having 3 children sometimes. I am beyond blessed and thankful that I have a husband like Brian!
As soon as we go in the park I wanted to get the traditional picture with Santa but it was so crazy busy I passed. We will be back the second week in June so I can get one then!! The park had opened on the 14th, and it was packed--some music festival there, but we never waited more then 5-10 minutes for a ride and  the weather was PERFECT--almost  a little chilly!

The boys headed to the Raven--I am so thankful Brian is just like Hunter--he has no cares in the world and a huge adventurous side. I, on the other hand, have to be the "responsible one" in case something happens. Hayley is just like me--she gets sick easily-so we always pair up and watch the crazy boys from afar. We got to watch the dive team perform--I felt sorry for them--it was a little cool and their suits are nothing--Speedo's if that tells you anything.

Then we scoped out the park looking at all the new rides they have added since we were last there--it's been over 2 years! A lot of cool new water rides, we can't wait to go back in the warmer months and actually enjoy the water rides and water park. Hayley is all about wanting to ride Pilgrims Plunge-it looks really cool-

This was the case for most of the day:
she has grown so much but is still to short for most rides. I am thankful in a way because most rides are 2 person rides and that means that I will have to ride with her--let's just pray that she doesn't become like her Daddy and brother!!  We did find some rides that we did as a family-- I wish that you could of hear the giggles and squeals that were coming from the kids, Brian and I!!  I tried my best to take pictures--but it's kinda hard when you are on rides-you have to be sneaky!!
The park closed at 7:30 so that gave us plenty of time to go explore the campground and we found two different play grounds, putt putt, paddle boats, a pool, trails, and an ice cream/pizza shop!!
By the time we got back to our site it was dark enough for a campfire complete with hot dogs and s'mores--You can't go camping with the above--no matter how hot or cold it is!

About 5:30 in the morning it started to rain--we woke up about 7ish and headed into town to get breakfast and wait the rain out--it did finally let up about 10:30 so we packed up camp, took down the tent in the pouring down rain (this was NOT fun at all!) and headed home .This is what the car ride home looked like--we had tuckered out kiddos and one tired Momma too!
We are already counting down the days until we return for our next camping adventure--June 12-14!!

1 comment:

Tracy said...

Ooooh, looks like fun! (But I don't particularly like roughing it in a tent.) :)

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