Monday, May 31, 2010

4 Wheeler Fun

We headed over to Indiana on Sunday for Aunt Amy's and Uncle Jay's fish fry.  It was so nice fun to be able to play outside with Keegan and enjoy some good food and company at the same time. The kids had lots of fun playing in the back yard and couldn't wait until Jay Boy arrived so that they could ride the four wheeler.You would of thought they haven't ever ridden one before! By the end of the night there was a nice beaten down path where they had rode all day long--looks like Uncle Jay won't have to mow grass there for a while!

Jay Boy and Keegan--
look at that smile!!

Hunter's turn

Hayley and Jay Boy

Baby Brooklyn and Hayley

Aunt Jess and Keegan-
he was one tired boy from all that playing!

Crazy drivers

Jay Boy was nice enough to let the kids ride and drive by themselves after some modifications--thanks Jay!

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