Saturday, May 29, 2010

Surprise Visit

We had a surprise visit this week from Unc, Angela, Luke and Baby Faith!  Pop and Nana had everyone over Friday night for dinner and the kids loved playing with Luke and Faith.  Thanks for spending some time with us--we are looking forward to your next visit!! Remember Holiday World is coming up soon and it's not too late to change your mind!!

check out those cheeks--

Hayley loved to hold Baby Faith

Ma and Faith

I was trying to get a picture of the 4 of them all together, but Luke was being himself and not having any part of it, so this is the best picture that I got!

Pa enjoyed eating Hayley's toes as always!

I got some time with Faith too!

Luke loved giving Hunter kisses--sweet boy!

Nana and Hayley played volleyball

Hayley found some boxing gloves and tried them out on both Hunter and Daddy

Pop gave his famous 4 wheeler rides-
Angela said Faith was too small to go :(

the kids loved running, chasing and playing together.

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