Saturday, May 29, 2010

Last day of School

Friday was the last day of school and we started off with an Award Program in the gym for grades K-2. Each homeroom chose the student with top achievement in: Reading, Math, Writing, Handwriting, Most Artistic and Most Improved.

Hayley received the Excellence in Reading award from Ms. Sweazy.

Hunter received the Excellence in Math award from Mrs. Sienicki.

Then we moved on the upper grade awards:  Accelerated Reader, Study Island, GRRREAT Student Awards. I had to laugh because it seemed like as soon as Hunter sat down he had to get back up to collect his next award! Hayley was super cute to watch, each time they called Hunter's name she got this huge smile on her face and turned to tell all her classmates "That's my brother!" It made my heart melt!!
Hunter had 75.3 AR points, that was the second highest in grades K-2!!

Once all the "official business" was taken care of it was on to FUN, FUN,!! 

Cheering on the 5th graders as the made one last walk down the hall

Hayley and Bonnie

Mrs. Sienicki and Hunter

FIELD DAY was lots mess and lots of fun, the weather was perfect for all the stations that Ms. Hahn had planned. I love subbing on days like this,  I got to partake in all the action to!
Potato Race
Sponge Races
(look at that growing belly of Ms. Knapp's-can't wait to see baby Allison!)
Clothes Line Race

Obstacle Course

Water Balloon Toss
Putt Putt Golf
Leaky Cup Race

Singing the school song one last time!

At TES the teachers gather in the bus lots to send the students off in style the last day of school:
lots of cheers and well wishes for a safe summer!!

Can't believe that we are now parents of  a 3rd and 1st grader---time flies!!

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