Saturday, January 30, 2010

Tell it like it is..........

This morning Hunter was boxing on the Wii, Hayley told him that he was getting hit like a pinata! I couldn't help but laugh.....sometime I wonder where she comes up with the things she says.

Friday, January 29, 2010

100th Day of School

We finally made it to the 100th day of school today and only have 84 more until summer break, but whose counting? I was really hoping that we would have a snow day today, but that didn't happen...bummer!!! There were lots of fun learning and educational activities taking place in the classrooms today and I was blessed to go and help in Hayley's class. Hunter is at the stage in life where he doesn't want me to volunteer in his room much, guess that isn't cool when you Momma is in your room and you are a 2nd grader. I did stop in several times to take pictures but as you can only imagine how they turned out....poor thing, he will die of embarrassment.

Brian made over...don't you just love his face here?

Hayley making her "100 days" shirt

Finished product:
the bottom is a picture of Ms. Sweazy, her and Mrs. Forberger

Hunter's class enjoying their treats!

coloring and cutting hats

so proud

Ms. Sweazy wore her hat too!

Hayley's class with their "100 DAY HATS"

Singing the 100 day song

counting, graphing and stringing Fruit Loops for a necklace

100th Day of School
Hayley (Kindergarten)
Hunter (2nd grade)

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Loving the fact

that we laugh at some of the funniest things the kids say and do daily:

I walked into the kitchen last night and this is what I saw:

Hunter was dressed like his Daddy.....I think we may have a future lineman here!

Hunter was stuck on the word "attribute"  today and get this...he. was. using. it. correctly.   Hello.... has someone replaced our 8 year old with someone older?? I told Brian that when he gets in middle school we will have to have Hayley translate for us or start to carry a dictonary around with us to understand him.

When Brian asks Hayley whose girl she is, she ALWAYS replies " I am yours and Momma's"   I know that there will be a day when we will not hear those words to we have to cherish them now.

That no matter what song comes on the radio or TV, Hayley will automaticly start dancing and singing....she can tell you the artist and song title to most every song! She can thank her Daddy for this....he is full of useless information like this!

Loggers Day 2

Today was day 2 of the logging, and you can start to tell a big difference. I am in amazement of how quickly these men can cut a tree down, cut the little branches off of, pull it up the hill, measure it, and then put it in the corresponding pile! Guess they are working quick to stay warm.

marking the logs
(notice the tape measure--a tree branch)

these are just 2 of the many piles that they had laying in different areas
and they took a load to the saw mill earlier--anxious to see how many logs are loggend in the end

Snow WOman

Here is the picture of Hayley's snow-woman that she made at school!
 I am so very proud of how neatly and correctly she copied the poem

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Sawings logs.....

literally! The loggers arrive yesterday and started to log the 10 acres across from the house. In just one short day you can really tell a difference with all the cedars that are being logged. Talking about a win-win situation, this is a perfect one! We had talked about in the spring having Dan come and do some dozing work and pushing allt he trees into the hollar, but now that we have found a logger to come and do the clearing work for us and we get half of the money--that is mine kind of work...getting paid to have someone else do all the hard work! I am excited to keep taking pictures daily to show how its starting to open up--who knows....maybe one day we will have a nice lake?!

if you look hard enough (orange safety sign on back of tractor) you can see the big tractor that they are using to pull trees up the hill...talking about some power!

Here are some pictures taken from the drive on the hillside that they are working on......

Monday, January 25, 2010

B is for....

Boat Show, Burton's and babies!!!

We headed to the Fair and Expo Center for our annual Boat Show trip. This year there were a total of 19 of us--that is a bunch and to think that Mom/Dad and Pickle and Sue were the ones that started all of this over 30 years ago it crazy! Scary thing is next year there will be 20 with Kelly and Cain's new baby girl! It's a wild, L O N G, exhausting day, but we always look forward to getting together and wrecking havoc on the state of Kentucky! It seems that there isn't a lot of boat looking going on like in the years past, but with 5 little ones ages 8 and under how could there? It's more about where are the campers that we can go in, the kids area and always FOOD!!!
Sorry that there are not that many pictures, I really had planned on taking more and also had planned to get a picture of all of us together and each family, but didn't get the chance to-sorry! That will be a priority for next year, if I can remember! I don't even have a picture of sweet Baby Brycen, will get one sent to me so that you all can see how precious he is!!

The kids really enjoyed watching the dogs dive into the water- it was amazing to see how still the ALL sat! I kinds hated to leave--after a while Hunter's attention span was gone...he wanted to go see all the big boats.

Aunt Erin and Uncle Brian went with us and as always got the kids all wild--for some reason they are good at this--I tell them that wait until you have kids...payback!!!

Thanks to Grandma for buying these cool water yo-yo's!! The kids really seemed to enjoying playing with them and showing each other's the little things in life.

Hunter, Kaitlyn and Hayley

Crazy drivers

Kelly and Brian are always bugging each other--
he she is giving him a smooch!

L O V E L O V E L O V E this picture
(even if Keegan and Brayden are not in it)

I love this boy....
Keegan Abner

Fun with Keegan

Saturday afternoon Uncle Jay met Brian at Hatmaker's so that Keegan could come stay the night. It is always SO much fun when he comes and plays us. Honestly, I don't know who has the most fun--the kids or Brian and I getting our "Keegan time" in by spoiling him rotten! I had a birthday party that I had already committed to, so it was going to be Brian and the kids for a few hours--this should be interesting and I wondered if the house was going to be standing when I returned was! He took the kids to Mc Donald's for dinner and when I came home they we all laying on the living room floor watching a movie and ready for bed--I was impressed!! Maybe I should have a night out more often???

Tickle time with Uncle Brian

Spiderman and Aunt Jess

Keegan loves to take a bath in our "indoor pool" (aka jacuzzi tub)

~Fisher Grand babies~

Hayley (6) , Keegan (4), Hunter (8)

Friday, January 22, 2010

Hunter's 8th Birthday

I can't believe that 8 years ago, Hunter was born!!! Honestly it doesn't seem possible for him to be that old, guess he is growing up too quickly. Brian took the day off so that we could pick the kids up from school and then head over to Hunter's favorite restaurant to eat....HOOTER'S! We had called Jammy and Jampy to see if they wanted to join us for dinner and finally have our Christmas together as well and they did.

Hunter was in heaven getting to watch TV while he ate dinner

Jammy, Hayley and Hunter with their t-shirts:
"Life begins at Hooters"

Hooter's girls signing their birthday shirts

Picture time:

I ordered a fish was HUGE!

Hunter had to stand up in a chair and flap his wings like a bird while getting sung to! We were surprised that he did this especially since he gets embarrassed so easily. He was all about the attention!!!

I love this picture, this is how MOST of the ones we took came out...him not looking at the camera.
Guess it was because he was entertained by looking at all the pretty ladies!

We came home and as requested a COOKIE CAKE

Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday dear Hunter
Happy birthday to you!!!

May all your wishes come true Nuck~ We love you SO much~