Thursday, June 13, 2013

First day out

Saturday was my first real outing, cabin fever was setting in and I was one laugh away from a breakdown. God love my family, they have been SO good and are taking excellent care of me. I just don't do this sit around, let my kids and husband wait on me hand and foot, be a burden and smile while its all being done. I am MOMMA and I am the one who is suppose to be doing for my kids and hubby.

We made a quick trip across the river and crashed Aunt Amy's yard work party. The kids were so excited to have someone to play with and be outside running wild. After visiting we decided that we needed some Arni's pizza--it hit the spot and was so nice being able to be out and eating with the kids and sisters. I learned very quickly that I need to take a pillow with me to help with propping foot up on a bench/stool and to go to the bathroom before we leave!!

After we got our bellies full, Aunt Erin took the kids to play with her dogs for a bit and we headed back to Amy's to relax. It was a fun filled evening where we played until we were tired, ate until we were full, laughed til  I cried, cried til I laughed (I was a hot mess!). Thankful that my family is so supportive and helpful while I am a mess physically and emotionally.

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