Thursday, June 13, 2013

Allergy/Asthma update

Trying to get all the Dr appointments done in a week so that Brian doesn't have to keep "Driving Ms Daisy" all around town to doctors. Guess, its just practice for him for when we get older! We have all learned that its good quality time together and we are thankful for this and our health.

As far as allergies goes, Hayley is doing the same, a few small allergy flare ups and adjustments to her diet but we are learning as we go. Dr Laura added milk as one of her triggers, she is experiencing more "lactose symptoms" them anything but we are going to limit and track her exposure to see if we can get a better feel. When she was allergy tested 2 years ago it did show a +3 so it may become more prominent as she is getting older.

Asthma wise we are stuck! This year she has had more asthma related issue then combined any other years.  There is nothing that is triggering them more so then not. Lung functions were tested again and we are down to a 71 from 88 in less then 6 months. No wheezing, rattling and x-ray was clear. Changed medicines and inhalers and will recheck in 4 weeks to see if improving.
Biggest highlight, the new "talking" Epi-pens!!! They are pretty cool and will help anyone who is scared to use one and they are very slender and pocket friendly--think credit card!! WOOT WOOT

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