Friday, December 28, 2012


Its been a hard couple of days with lots of questions from the kids about the CT shooting. I have to tell you that I was in complete tears, torn, panic and disbelief. Here I was with Hayley at home sick with me and Hunter was at school. Yes, I was a panicked momma who texted his teacher and asked her to give him a hug and told him that I loved him. I just wanted my babies home with me, safe under one roof.  
I have a good friend, Kat,  who lives in CT and teaches, so I was texting her like crazy to make sure she was OK and its wasn't her school. Finally, I saw a post on FB (thank God for FB) from her Dad, that the school was about 2 hours (still TOO close) and Kat was still on maternity break. As far as friends and students, she was pretty certain that she didn't know anyone
So many thoughts have ran across my mind, my kids are asking questions, seeing things and having to deal with things that they should never have to think about at such a young age. My heart is broken for these families as they are having to deal with such horrific events. I just wish there was something that I could do, an answer that I could give that, or something that I could do that would help change this situation.
Monday, as I was into the gym and saw all my "kids" I couldn't help but get teary eyed--to think that this could of been our school--our students. I loved a little longer on them, hugged a little more, and was certain to tell each and everyone of them separately that I loved them and I pray for them daily. This is where being in a small, country school has it benefits. 
It was very hard to put them on the buses at dismissal and I prayed for their safety and that they would be back at their desks on Tuesday.
On the way home, I saw this....

The most amazing, bright and beautiful DOUBLE rainbow! Yes, we all watched it all the way home and I couldnt' help but get emotional once again about this and the promise God has for us--a reminder that he is still in control and a much needed sign that we need at this rime.

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