Monday, December 31, 2012

Fisher Christmas

Saturday, we literally headed "over the river and thru the woods to Grandmother's house we go" to celebrate Christmas with my side of the family. I love the fact that we have decided many years ago to have our Christmas before the 25th, so that we can spend a whole day in each others company.

First up we snapped a few family pictures before the madness of presents began.

Uncle Brian, Aunt Erin, Jager and Lizzy
Grandma and Grandpa Fisher
Hayley, Hunter and Keegan

Aunt Amy, Keegan and Uncle Jason
Brian, Jess, Hunter and Hayley
Hunter, Jager, Keegan, Hayley and Lizzy
**My camera was acting weird and my phone was dying so I only took a few pictures, will have to steal more from Momma and Amy**
Hayley was so excited about all her Justice presents: a backpack, earrings, clothes! She will be all ready to start back to school
A guitar

Thankful that we could find a day to have our Christmas and enjoy spending the entire day together. We are  blessed to call you family.

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