Saturday, December 1, 2012

Pre Thanksgiving

I hadn't been feeling the best on Thanksgiving Eve so Hayley decided that she was going to help me get things ready for Thursday. She is the best helper ever, so eager and willing to learn and help in the kitchen. I can tell her what I need help with and she is right there doing it all, going to make a good wife someday!
Stirring up Cheesy Potatoes
Chopping veggies
Since her food allergies are so severe, I always make a couple of desserts that I know she can have just so there will be no problems. Today's choice was chocolate chip cookies and oatmeal cookies. I didn't do the first thing, she did it all from measuring, mixing and putting in the oven. I am so proud of my little gal--she is growing up so fast.

I am treasuring these moments and memories that we are making and hopefully she will be able to do the same with her children one day.

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