Monday, December 31, 2012

Wethington Christmas

Pop and Nana had us over Christmas Day for lunch. It was so nice being able to spend time with the complete (Denny and Kristian were in town) Wethington family. After lunch there was lots of laughter, wrestling, presents, goodies and relaxing. Never a dull moment with all of us together, wish it could happen more often.

Brian got some snuggle time in with Hayley

Pop was trying to get the kids all worked up

Lego Friends

Faith was in it to win it

Luke was excited about his Monster Trucks

Kristian was the good Aunt and played Lego's with all the kids

Pure chaos

Wonder what Brian got?? Mini max holder

trying to figure out what it is


Hayley explains to Aunt Angela how these Lego's work


wrestle mania

Ma/Pa Christmas

This was our year for Christmas at Ma and Pa's! As always we had yummy food, enjoyed spending time with everyone and lots of laughs during the White Elephant game.
Hayley wanted me to take a picture because I fixed my hair--you know its a holiday when I am not in sweats/jeans and hair isn't in a pony!

Stocking goodies

Chelsey Nay Nay explaining game rules

Eric and I sent pictures to Tori, can't wait for you to join our family in May!
The funniest gift of the night--Pa and his wine glasses

Fisher Christmas

Saturday, we literally headed "over the river and thru the woods to Grandmother's house we go" to celebrate Christmas with my side of the family. I love the fact that we have decided many years ago to have our Christmas before the 25th, so that we can spend a whole day in each others company.

First up we snapped a few family pictures before the madness of presents began.

Uncle Brian, Aunt Erin, Jager and Lizzy
Grandma and Grandpa Fisher
Hayley, Hunter and Keegan

Aunt Amy, Keegan and Uncle Jason
Brian, Jess, Hunter and Hayley
Hunter, Jager, Keegan, Hayley and Lizzy
**My camera was acting weird and my phone was dying so I only took a few pictures, will have to steal more from Momma and Amy**
Hayley was so excited about all her Justice presents: a backpack, earrings, clothes! She will be all ready to start back to school
A guitar

Thankful that we could find a day to have our Christmas and enjoy spending the entire day together. We are  blessed to call you family.

Friday, December 28, 2012

Crazy kids

Hunter and Hayley were a little excited to see the Christmas Break begin. Sadly, this was before all the sugar intake.


Its been a hard couple of days with lots of questions from the kids about the CT shooting. I have to tell you that I was in complete tears, torn, panic and disbelief. Here I was with Hayley at home sick with me and Hunter was at school. Yes, I was a panicked momma who texted his teacher and asked her to give him a hug and told him that I loved him. I just wanted my babies home with me, safe under one roof.  
I have a good friend, Kat,  who lives in CT and teaches, so I was texting her like crazy to make sure she was OK and its wasn't her school. Finally, I saw a post on FB (thank God for FB) from her Dad, that the school was about 2 hours (still TOO close) and Kat was still on maternity break. As far as friends and students, she was pretty certain that she didn't know anyone
So many thoughts have ran across my mind, my kids are asking questions, seeing things and having to deal with things that they should never have to think about at such a young age. My heart is broken for these families as they are having to deal with such horrific events. I just wish there was something that I could do, an answer that I could give that, or something that I could do that would help change this situation.
Monday, as I was into the gym and saw all my "kids" I couldn't help but get teary eyed--to think that this could of been our school--our students. I loved a little longer on them, hugged a little more, and was certain to tell each and everyone of them separately that I loved them and I pray for them daily. This is where being in a small, country school has it benefits. 
It was very hard to put them on the buses at dismissal and I prayed for their safety and that they would be back at their desks on Tuesday.
On the way home, I saw this....

The most amazing, bright and beautiful DOUBLE rainbow! Yes, we all watched it all the way home and I couldnt' help but get emotional once again about this and the promise God has for us--a reminder that he is still in control and a much needed sign that we need at this rime.

Bronchitis-1 Hayley 0

Poor Hayley hasn't been feeling well and I finally broke down and took her to Dr Massey's. Its always so hard to tell with her, her allergies are always a mess, her breathing/rattling is a day to day thing--she either is really sick or really well.
She had an off and on fever for about 3 days, snotty nose and cough (these things are constant for her), the weather has been crazy, so I was just chalking it up to allergies and a cold. Well after about 2 days of her 102 fever and he just being so whiny and sleeping all the time, I broke down and took her in.
After Dr M checking her out, Hayley was the proud owner of a double ear infection (no complaints of ears hurting) sinus infection, UTI  (no complaints), and bronchitis!! I felt awful but Dr M assured me that she was in agreement with me to wait and see if it was just a cold!!
She was out of school Tuesday-Monday and did nothing but sleep the whole entire time,14 hours a day plus lots of naps,  poor thing really didn't feel well.

Meet Tex

Hunter asked for a Beagle puppy for Christmas and we finally found one that has came from good hunting blood lines. That was top priority for him, he wanted a puppy he could train to rabbit hunt, YES hes just like his Daddy--hunting is in his Blood. The guy we bought "Tex" from also had 2 other dogs for sale as well--convenient!!
Brian had been looking far and wide and had to travel to Campbellsville to pick up this pup. He and Hunter had decided to make a day of it and see if the dogs would hunt and they did. Hunter has been nothing but non stop rabbit hunting since then.

Hunter and Tex

Brian got the 2 older dogs as well, Ben and Twister, I have no idea which is which.

Looks like lots of rabbit hunting will be in their future

Winter Wonderland Performance

Chorus had their yearly Winter Wonderland Performance and its was a job well done! (I love the fact that I get to see Hayley's performances twice, just one of the many perks of working at school) Mrs Kelley has only been working on Christmas songs for 4 weeks and it really paid off!!
Bonnie, Hayley and McKenzie

Dance team started things off

Ready to perform
A Christmas Blessing: this song was so sweet and made me cry.
Special helpers (younger brother and sisters of chorus members) spelled out Christmas

It was a great way to get into the Christmas spirit!

Weekend with Grandpa

The kids spent a fun filled weekend with Grandpa Fisher and had so much fun!! First up, Pancake breakfast with Santa at Walnut Ridge. I love the fact that the kids can share these memories with their Grandpa no matter how old they are.  Hunter said that they pancakes were super delicious and he ate 10 of them, I believe this--its his favorite breakfast food!!
Keegan, Hayley and Hunter
Wonder who was on the naughty list and who was on the nice list?!

A day with Grandpa wouldn't be complete without a trip to Chuck E Cheese (no pics) and Sweet and Swirly!!

hanks Daddy, for starting these traditions and being brave enough to handle my kids on your own!

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Christmas at midnight??

This is the first year that we didn't do Santa. It's been a bittersweet time and I am finally accepting (against my will) that the kids are growing up and this is just a closing to another chapter of their lives. I can't believe that we made it 9 years with Santa and loved all the magic and surprises of Christmas that came with it. No matter what, we will always keep the magic of Christmas alive.
Shopping was a little easier, no sneaking around to buy, wrap, stay up late to put together or put out. We simply did lots on line, had it shipped, wrapped it all and put under tree while kids were at school. I can get used to this---nice and simple
Guess this was the year of electronics at our house: Hunter asked for a beagle pup and Ipod. Hayley asked for an Ipad Mini., Brian for a Mini Max (some computer chip thing for his truck) and a new laptop for me (school starts soon) Yes, are all geeks and love every second of it!
After we got home from Ma and Pa's unpacked, put up, fed the animals and into our jammies it was after midnight, the kids asked to open presents. I had a hard time with this, but then thought its a win-win situation. They open their presents, play a while and then we all sleep in!!
*we went to bed at 1:30 and slept til 9:00!!*

Love him

Brian was first up and got he was all excited about his new toy for his truck. I have no idea nor do I care about what this thing does. He was trying to explain it to me and all I got out of it was, measures turbo, turning up truck, gages. A man and his truck!

Everyone in our family has been given nick names thanks to Brian and he refers to you as them when he is talking to you or needs you. Hunter's is Nuck (short for knucklehead), Hayley's is Piglett (this gal can eat) and I am...PORKY (the kids think this is funny...I LOVE MY FOOD!! I guess its way of showing he loves you, only my hubby!! Hayley thought it was funny to write this on my present

Woo Hoo a new laptop so that I can take some online classes and start writing all my papers for school.

wonder what it is

Could it be?????
Hayley made me this coffee mug, love it!

this is how we spend much of our evening, all on our new toys

So blessed that no matter how old the kids are getting, we will always cherish these memories of Christmas together