Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Bey Blade Sleepover

* I have no idea how I overlooked and never posted about our Bey Blade sorry!*

Hunter was so excited to finally get a time where the "boy cousins" could come out and have a Bey Blade sleepover. GG got all the boys some at Christmas and they had a blast playing so we knew that we needed to find a time when they could come out. It was priceless to watch them play for hours--so thankful that they are able to make memories like these. 
I did what any good cousin would do and make lots of goodies, you know junk food: cupcakes, popcorn and Sprite! Hayley helped me with these cupcakes and they were yummy!
(ICING: white icing mixed with a 1/2 package of koolaid (we used fruit punch) gives it a cool color and a tangy but yummy flavor)
As soon as the Kelly boys were thru the door it was nothing but Bey Blade battles all night long.
3, 2,1, let 'em rip!!!

These two are inseparable when they are together! LOVE IT

Drew and Hunter

A brief pause for a snack before PJ's

I finally had to tell them at 10:00 that this was the last battle and then it was time to get ready for bed. We all finally laid down at 10:30, one quick show on Disney and lights were out at 11:00!!  I couldn't tell you the amount of times I heard "3,2,1 rip" in my sleep!
Everyone was up and battling again at 7:00!! I started a load of laundry and picked up sleeping bags while they played and started to get hungry for breakfast! Pancakes, biscuits and gravy and oranges!!
Our day pretty much consisted of bey blades, Wii and DS games all morning. The laughter was almost to much--they are something else!

This picture makes me laugh. Poor Kieran,  wanted a blanket to sleep with so I pulled one off the couch without thinking. Well, it was  a UK one and they are IU fans to the core--oh the humanity! I honestly didn't think about it but he was devastated the next morning. I kept teasing that I was going to take a picture and sent it to Papa and Gaga saying that he "saw the light!"  Hayley and Drew kept trying to tie him up in it!
Lunch was none other then chicken nuggets, green beans and mac and cheese!!  I bribed with ice cream if they ate every time!
I MADE them stop and get a picture together before they left.
Kieran, Hayley, Ben, Hunter and Drew

So thankful and blessed that even though we don't get home as often as we like, our kids pick up right where they left off with their cousins. Looking forward to the next time we can get together! Thanks for such a fun sleepover--can't wait to do it again!

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