Monday, August 16, 2010

Team Kids Finale

It was a bitter sweet Sunday as it was the last time Team Kids would be singing until next year. We had such a great turn out for our last meeting on Wednesday night  (19 and it was that was with Spencer/Franklin/Anderson Counties in school!!) and even a bigger turn out Sunday for our last "performance."  While I am sad that we are ending, I am so looking forward to a 6 week break before we start doing the Christmas Play.

  My class wrote letters and made cards to send to Trisit (our Ethiopian adoptee) sharing all we have learned this year.  I took pictures so that she could see just how we spend our time on Wednesday's as well.

First we gather and have prayer, announcements, and offering

then we practice our songs

and wait patiently for our snacks

We head to our classroom for our lesson and our activity
(this is the best I could do, taking a picture of 2-6 year old is nearly impossible)

showing off our pictures for Trisit

We love getting to sing in front of's always a blessing both ways!!

The kids did such a wonderful job singing as always. I hate that my pictures are not the best, but its hard trying to do that while leading the little ones!!

Each year we grow more and more--we were averaging 18-22 kids each Wednesday (that is just my class, 2-6 year olds) Yes, it was total chaois at times and very stressful, it was worth every minute of it to see how much the kids have learned adn loved coming!! I had a great time again teaching this year and couldn't of done it with out all my girls: Amy, Sherwin, Lindsey, Sharon, Vickie--thank you so much for all that you have done!! .  "The harvest is plentful but the workers are few" --Matthew 9:37

Sunday evening church had rented the FAC for a private  family swim party!!   Yes it was hot, but so worth it when you have great food, family and friends!! The kids seemed to really enjoy themselves and were so worn out by the end of the night!!  Us parents enjoyed sitting back and catching up with one another too!!

Diana enjoyed some pizza!!

Mahala, Hayley and Kylee

Lana Grace

the slide was a HUGE hit!!

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