Saturday, August 28, 2010

Horsing Around

The kids have been wanting to ride horses for a while and between the H-O-T weather and busy school days/nights we have been having, our days have been slim pickings. Thurdsday, we finally had a night with nothing scheduled so we headed down to Mimi's to ride!! It was such a nice night, temperature was cooler which made it even more enjoyable. Both kids did very well, Hayley was a little hesitant at first so she rode with Sammi and had Kelly lead, that only lasted 5 laps or so, and then she was ready to ride by herself!! Hunter is a natural born cowboy!!  We are looking forward to this long weekend coming up so we can ride again!! Thanks Mimi for letting us ride your horses...we love you!

Hayley on Max with Kelly leading
Hayley and  Sammi

Hunter on Max

Sammi on Toby and Hayley on Max
Hayley, Sammi, Hunter
Monkey see, monkey do!!

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